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Breaking The Rules Of Selling?


It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a service face to face, selling digital information, or physical products online, the same principles of selling apply in order to sell effectively. Let’s assume for a moment you pass just three criteria of a legit business:

  1. You’re creating something of value.
  2. You’re creating something people want or need.
  3. You’re providing something people are willing to pay for.

So let’s stop here for just a moment at #2. To attract a demand and attention for what you have is MARKETING. It’s extremely hard to get to #3 (sales), if you do not properly execute the marketing. So for the remainder of this read, let’s focus on the marketing aspect.

There was a time when loud/cheesy advertisements could get our attention and cause consumers to take action. Gone are those days. Consumers are smarter. They do their research, they check reviews, look up product stats, etc. Attracting your market through ‘value’ is the best way to sale. Imagine being at a networking event, and you meet that ‘one guy/gal’  that only talks about themselves, fails to engage in a reciprocal  conversation, only waits for their turn to speak as they ignore your every word, and they hand you a stack of business cards telling you to refer business their way. Have you seen this person before? Or, the guy that meets a girl and ignores the common phases of building a relationship. They go straight from hello to ‘will you marry me!?’.. Crazy right?

Unfortunately, this is how a lot of entrepreneurs sale. They try to ask for your hand in marriage before building the relationship. Selling in this manner is a quick way to immediately turn off potential customers and it drastically hurts sales. So how do you introduce people to what you provide in a better way that leads them down your desired path?

You have to think through what you provide. You have to think who your target market is. You have to understand what the transformational result is from investing in your product or service. You have to know why they would buy from you, and what would lead them to that decision. You have to understand their desires, their pain points, what keeps them up at night, and why what you provide solves or enhances those areas. When you know this information you have the recipe for good marketing. You now have the recipe for creating a solid LEAD MAGNET.

What is a LEAD MAGNET?

A Lead magnet  is something of value to a potential customer in exchange for your desired want (email, name, phone, etc). A lead magnet is an ethical bribe. The lead magnet is typically the start of a relationship. It’s the content you lead with that let’s your potential customers know about what you provide. It’s an entry point in your world that best positions them to buy from you. Think of a lead magnet as your first impression.  It’s important to lead with tremendous value when creating your lead magnet.

I have a video training you can watch below that goes into detail on creating an effective lead magnet, but the goal in creating an effective LM is to think through what you’re trying to accomplish.

What Is Your Goal?

  • Attraction and relationship building?
  • Drive sales?
  • Acquisition?
  • Indoctrination so you can demonstrate your knowledge in your market place?

Anyhow, we have a marketing mastermind that we get together and talk sales, marketing & business growth. I made a detailed training on how to build effective lead magnets for your business. Check it out!

Share the goods if you found value in this training. Also make sure to claim my..


By |October 26th, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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