Before anything ever happens, it first has to happen. Let me explain…your ability to live the outcome before it happens is the most important practice you can develop to attain what you desire. This is called visualization. But it has to go deeper than just belief.

You have to live out the outcome in every aspect; how does it feel? What does your life look like now? How is it different? Where are you at mentally and emotionally? Yeah, I know it may sound bizarre, but your ability to see what is before it is will provide you unshakable certainty and belief. Which brings about the action necessary to accomplish what you desire.

So, I encourage you to try it. Here’s how:

  1. Sit in silence and think of that which you desire to do/be/have.
  2. Focus on that desire from the past tense. Meaning you already accomplished it.
  3. Imagine you’re telling your closest friend how it happened. Explain in your mind how it became a reality.
  4. Now end on the emotional state. How it feels, the emotions after you accomplished it, why it was so important to you.

This practice works. I dare you to incorporate it into your life immediately. Just doing this practice totally changed my life in every aspect of my life. From increase in money, to living the desired quality of life, to building a successful company as a full-time entrepreneur. Remember it all starts with belief.

By |September 1st, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Development, Productivity|Tags: |0 Comments
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