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  • How to be worth the money

How to be worth the money…


What isn’t talked about enough is not just how to get the money, but how do you become worth the money? How do you ensure clients get outstanding results, so you can command premium pricing with confidence?…………….


If you’re a coach, consultant, or service provider, getting a new client is always the quintessential goal. However, it’s important to remember that your reputation will always precede your work. In other words, if you plan on staying in your field long-term, it’s not enough to simply ‘get a client’. You have to deliver on what they paid you for. What isn’t talked about enough is not just how to get the money, but how to be worth the money. Additionally, how do you confidently charge premium pricing that makes your prospects more than willing to pay?

Let’s get to it….

First off, are we in agreement you’d like to earn more money per client for the work you do?

Sure, we all would. It seems getting ‘high paying clients’ is thrown around too loosely in this industry. But how does that happen?

  • How do you command premium prices with confidence?
  • How do you become the ‘Rolls Royce’ of your industry?
  • How do you confidently charge premium pricing to your clients with assurance?
  • How do your prospects agree to pay the premium pricing you charge?

The most important element you have to remember in acquiring clients and coaching students is that it’s NOT about you. Nope, we like to think it’s our slick marketing, what we have to offer, etc. But it’s never about you. It’s about them.

More specifically, it’s the Future transformational value you provide your clients that enables them to get to their promise land.

See, you have to understand we only invest in the future value of anything. We buy the weight loss supplement with hopes of getting high school skinny again.  We invest in the marketing course with hopes it will take our business to new levels and unlock profits in our life so we can live on the beach… We invest in what the thing will do/solve/eliminate/provide for our lives.

Your goal is to position your service in such a way that speaks to your ability to help your prospect reach their promise land.

So, the most important element in your ability to be worth the money, is to be worth the results you can provide your clients.

That’s it. They don’t pay for information…They don’t want you to bog them down with more stuff that complicates the process. They want the fastest solution to get them from problem to solution fast. If you can confidently help your clients solve their problems and get them to their promise land, you’ve won.

Two things we need to address:

  1. How to properly charge premium pricing?
  2. How specifically do you help clients get outstanding results, so you’re worth the money?


  • What is the value of the transformational results you provide your clients?
  • Meaning, what you help them solve and accomplish, what is that worth? (take a good guess, and write it down)
  • What value would you place on helping your clients achieve/eliminate/solve ____________ [insert your solution]?
  • What’s that worth?
  • Is it worth more than what you’re currently charging?

If you confidently believe the value you’re providing your clients to help them achieve the transformational result they’re seeking is worth MORE than what you’re currently charging, then you should definitely should charge more.

However, that’s not enough. It’s important to know how to be worth the money so you can confidently help your clients, good, great results.

Imagine your prospect is one side of this cliff, and they need to get to the other side. Our goal is to get them there is to build a BRIDGE that allows them to get to the other side.


Your prospects come to you on one side of the cliff, and they come to you seeking HELP because they don’t know how to get to the other side. One side represents problem; the other side represents solution. (still with me?) … Great, let’s keep going!

Your job is to build the bridge that leads them step by step to the other side.

So, the core question you must ask yourself in lieu of helping your client is this: What has to happen in order for them to get to their promise land?

Meaning, in order to go from problem to solution, what must take place first? … Then second? … Third? …  Then what?


Take look at the above diagram. Assuming I was a health professional, and I have a program designed to help people lose weight and become healthier, this is how I’d structure it.

I’d first start with what the core goal is: lose weight and become healthier

Next, reverse engineer the process.

What has to happen in order for them to get to their promise land?

  • Determining the core issue
  • Forming good habits
  • Eating
  • Exercise
  • Custom regiment

Once you have your ‘solution steps’, now you simply organize them in the most logical fashion that would get your clients from problem to results fast.

This exact formula is how I help our clients in our Get More Clients program achieve amazing results for their clients. Additionally, we teach our students to automate their coaching program and get out of the old way of coaching 1:1  (one-to-one) model, which is unscalable and inefficient. To showing them the new way to coach, a 1:many (one-to-many) model that takes the lid off your income, so you can earn more, work less, and help more people.

In fact, the one to many model is highly scalable and it’s by far the most effective way to onboard coaching students in the masses, fast leveraging the power of automation.

So, if you can benefit from getting more clients in your business, and you’d like to learn proven methods to implement any of this stuff, feel free to reach out. We’ll hop on a call and I’ll help you craft a custom blueprint aimed at helping you get more clients in your business fast.

Here’s what we’ll talk about. CLICK HERE

*If you’d like to learn how to leverage your coaching by forming an online program, just

shoot me a quick email at Jason@bellmediagroup.co with subject ‘Leveraged Coaching’.

I have a free training that highlights exactly how to do it step-by-step.

Be great,


P.S.) Please share this article on the internets (with an ‘s)  if you found it valuable 🙂


By |July 6th, 2016|Categories: Blogs, Entrepreneurship|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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