(And why it’s just a symptom of a bigger problem & how to fix it)
“I promise this is from a good place, but too many people are out here fooling themselves wondering why their situation stays the same. There’s a reason why some people continue to progress while others perpetually remain stagnant in life. What accounts for the divide? Being broke has nothing to do with being without money. No my friend, it’s deeper than that. Being ‘broke’ goes deeper than money. It boils down to the below factors:
- The decisions you make.
- The actions you take & your level of effort.
- The manner in which you think.
- The skills you acquire.
- The habits you form.
I see too many people blaming their undesirable situation on any and everything other than the root cause of the problem; They blame the people in their life, they blame the cards they’ve been dealt, they blame their bad luck, they blame the devil. They point fingers at everything but themselves. Has it ever occurred that just maybe the situation you happen to be in (good or bad) is a result of decisions made up this point in life? (good or bad)
I’ll briefly go over the symptoms of what you need to look out for and what it means. The best part? Everything listed below can be improved. Our thinking influences the actions we take, and the decisions we make. These decisions form our habits. Just being aware of the below ‘characteristics’ will give you the proper insight to make the necessary changes in your life, so you can engage life from a more commanding position to the levels you deserve.
- LACK OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Broke people think they’re victims of circumstances and walk around seeking pity. They don’t take personal responsibility for their actions.
- ENTITLEMENT: Broke people stay with their hand out expecting people to give them something because they think they’re deserving and entitled, never considering increasing their skills may result in increased opportunity.
- MINIMAL EFFORT: Broke people put in minimal effort and expect maximum results. They have a 5 o’ clock mentality. Meaning, they seek only doing enough of what’s required. They don’t seek mastery. They don’t seek complete understanding. They don’t believe in putting in more effort than what’s expected.
- LACK OF VALUE IN MENTORSHIP/COACHING: Broke people don’t seek help. They try to do everything on their own, when never taking account it’s near impossible to solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.
- DEVALUES ONGOING EDUCATION: Broke people don’t seek education and do not seek personal growth. They’re level of thinking is that ‘school’ is the only education they need, and never realize that school is merely mental calisthenics. True education is perpetual, and an ever evolving journey.
- COMPLACENT: Broke people don’t seek to level up in life. They are content, complacent, and don’t seek any growth whatsoever. They’re content in their thinking. They’re content in every facet in life. Bettering their best is out of the question.
- SEEKS COMFORT: Broke people seek comfort rather than challenges. They take the easy route and they rarely challenge themselves. Although growth is derived from challenge, they choose not to engage.
- DWELLS IN THE PAST: Broke people live in the past. They condemn themselves for opportunities missed, things they didn’t do. They live in regrets as they ignore the possibility of improving their future by focusing on changing the ‘now’.
- GOSSIPS: Broke people talk about people, and engage in pointless gossip that amounts to nothing. They don’t talk about the future, ideas, growth. They don’t engage in possibility thinking.
- LIVE THROUGH OTHERS: Broke people live vicariously through others. They’ll gladly idolize stars and pay attention to their every move, never considering that they’re people just like you. Never considering they’re fulfilling their dreams, and you could be doing the same thing fulfilling yours. They’ll pay attention to their amazing life while disrespecting their own.
- ACCEPTANCE BASED: Broke people live from an acceptance based standpoint. Meaning, they don’t seek solutions and accept what is no matter if the outcome is desirable or not.
- QUITS TOO EASY: Broke people give up too easy and view failure as devastation. Although failure is an inevitable part of growth, once they lay down they stay down. They quit way too easy. They’re easily defeated. They dwell on defeat. They don’t realize it’s all part of the process of growth.
Ok I’ll stop there, I think you get the picture. Remember being ‘broke’ boils down to the decisions, actions, and your level of thinking. So what is required to be successful? It boils down to the decisions you make, actions you take, and your level of thinking.
I created a detailed ‘cheat sheet’ of the 39 top habits all successful high achievers do daily that attributes to their success. It’s FREE for you today ($27 value). The ‘High Achievers Cheat Sheet’ ===> https://jason-bell.com/ldlanding
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